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Not Everyday is Sunshine & Roses

A Story About Finding Joy in the Unexpected

girl peeking through basket

Let me paint you a quick picture:

I woke up at six AM and jumped straight into work, even though I knew I should have started with yoga or a walk. “Nah, I’ll do it later when the kids wake up,” I thought. I had mapped out my whole agenda for the day, which consisted of MORE work, in addition to being a mom and an auntie.

Well, ‘later’ I was irritable and the day ahead felt like a huge chore. To top things off, it was rather gloomy and one of my car tires was flat when we FINALLY made it outside. The day I had planned was completely reimagined at that point - the tire was now top priority.

How did I manage to find the sun on a not-so-perky day like this?

tire repair

I had all four tires replaced at Walmart within the last year (one set in September and the other in January), so I knew they were still under warranty. Though, not a million-dollar library, our trip to the super center turned into a fun little adventure. “Now, we’re not buying anything,” I forewarned “but we can look at whatever you guys want.” We took our time and explored each aisle, starting with the outdoor section.

We eyed the fishing gear and compared the many different types of bait. We talked about the complexities of our country, as my children were shocked to learn that you could buy a shotgun at your local Walmart. We were amused by all the latest versions of the beloved Hasbro game, Monopoly, and took note of all the books we want to add to our personal collections. We managed to make it to the crafts by the time the car was done.

supermarket aisle

The best part is that the whole trip was completely FREE (besides the gas to get there, I suppose). The kids were entertained, I got some business inspiration and, thanks to roadside coverage, I didn’t pay a dime for the flat repair!

Next stop? I decided it was time to clean the car’s interior (though it was due for an exterior wash too). None of us are ever too thrilled to complete this task so, we turn it into a dance party. This time, we jammed to Gracie’s Corner while everyone vacuumed their respective areas, with the exception of mine. My son likes to clean the driver’s seat and dashboard, because he says it’s satisfying. Still, another trip of free, simplistic fun.

The flat really altered our timing, so we were limited on how much more we could get done before my sister was scheduled to be off work. I decided we would stay in the area, and pay a visit to Grandma (who is known to turn any sour day sweet). While we waited for Granny to finish running her errand, we went to Fillmore Park.

I did some grounding and reminisced, while the kids played and tested the boundaries of physics. This particular park holds nostalgia for me, because 1. it faces my great-grandmother’s home, where I have many cherished memories and 2. it’s where our annual family egg hunts would take place, before the park was redesigned. By the time we left, everyone was feeling better (especially me).

kids on a playground

“Ok, I’m back,” Granny rang. Once we got to Grandma’s, we took a trip down memory lane. It’s always a treat looking through her photographs and discovering new details about our lineage. We have the luxury of learning eighty-five years worth of wisdom and experience, and no one could ever put a price on that.

Our final stop was to the Oak Bend - Saint Louis County Library. It may not be the biggest or most impressive branch, but the kiddos always have a blast there! (My daughter insists that they have the best graphic novel selection.) They read and played to their heart’s content, wrapping up our day with another cost-free experience. Sometimes, finding the sun is all about discovering joy in the simple things.

How do you find sun on difficult days?


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