What We Stand For
Black Girls Need Sun promotes the overall health and wellbeing of girls, teens, women, and gender expansive people of color across the globe, by holding brave space that is free from ridicule, shame, objectification, harassment, and other threats of harm.

To help girls, teens, women, and gender expansive people of color feel safe and seen in outdoor spaces.
We envision a world full of girls, teens, women and gender expansive people of color who are empowered, inspired and shine bright like the sun.

Renewal - We invite intrapersonal growth, transformation and adaptation.
Empowerment - We strive to foster a sense of strength and agency in every interaction and endeavor.
Adventure - We embrace challenges as opportunities for exploration and innovation.
Community - We understand that collaboration and village partnership are necessary for our shared success.
Hope - We believe in the potential for positive change, new possibilities, and a brighter future.