Victoria Faith

Victoria Faith is a multifaceted visionary, social advocate, adventurer, and mother of four magnificent beings. As a St. Louis native, she is deeply passionate about her commitment to its restoration and growth. Victoria currently serves the community through her professional work as a Full-Spectrum Doula and Personal Care Assistant, while also dedicating time for voluntary pursuits. Outside of these endeavors, Victoria enjoys skygazing, movie marathons, game nights, and "getting lost."
Growing up, Victoria spent a great deal of time outdoors. Some of her fondest memories took place at summer camp, which she attended every year during her childhood. Horseback riding, archery, ziplining, tubing, and creek walking are activities she grew to love, just to name a few. As life transitioned from overnight stays to overworking for countless corporations, Victoria's connection with the natural world seemed to dissipate. Eventually, she spent less time with the land and more time trying to fulfill societal demands. That is, until life came to a rather alarming halt in summer of 2023.
Black Girls Need Sun was inspired by Victoria's very real and tumultuous battle with depression. In her yearning for inner peace and egress, she was able to find solace and renewal by returning to the great outdoors. Victoria's vision for Black Girls Need Sun is grounded in her profound belief in the transformative power of nature. With this spirit, she is dedicated to fostering environments where girls, teens, women, and gender expansive people of color may lead more sun-rich lives. ​​